House de Kane

Ishgardian Noble House | Roleplay Centric | Crystal Mateus | Plot 17 Ward 5, Empyreum

Welcome to the home site for House Kane, and thank you for taking an interest in our Free Company!We aim to keep things as up-to-date as possible here. However, should you have any inquiries or simply wish for more information about us, feel free to jump into our Discord (via the button below) and we'll be glad to answer any questions you have!You can also contact us directly @aieyla or @striggs. (with the . )

Welcome to House Kane

Nestled in the upper tiers of Empyreum, the people of House Kane are dedicated to the betterment of Ishgard for all. As Ishgard works towards rebuilding and consolidating its peoples, House Kane has shifted from their ancestral home in the Western Coerthas Highlands following the events of the Final Days and settled in a modest manor within the walls of the city. Now they strive to foster growth for both their own house and the city at large, actively contributing to its redevelopment. House Kane seeks to better the quality of life for those in the Brume, to increase trade and agricultural value, and to seek out relationships with independent businesses popping up across Ishgard.Lately, the House has taken a keen interest in working with outside groups to achieve goals beyond the City walls. As part of this initiative, the Leaders of the house have actively begun to recruit sellswords and hire small bands of mercenaries to operate with the House Knights in various ventures throughout Eorzea and beyond.

About Us & Joining House Kane

House Kane was founded by Celeste’s IRL human, based in New Zealand. We are avid roleplayers that love crafting long-term stories and forming lasting friendships!We are currently seeking all manner of characters. From House Knights, retainers, and those with political background to mercenaries and adventurers interested in working under the House through contract.If you're interested in joining us on our adventures, you can contact us directly on discord @aieyla or @striggs. (With the .)Thank you for taking interest, and we hope to share in plenty of stories with you!

History of the House

In the summer of 552, following the victory of Thordan and his Knights 12 over the fearsome Nidhogg, Julien de Kane was taken on in servitude to Driancoin de Haillenarte as a knight. The Kane family came from humble origins, and across generations of trade and mercantilism, had developed their wealth to the point of being able to raise their son up in service of a great house. Formally from lands to the south, during the migration to Ishgard, they accompanied the Elezen voyagers across the land to Abalathia's Spine, and to the eventual home of Ishgard.For several years, Julien served Driancoin tirelessly, until House Kane was granted land in the Western Highlands of Coerthas by House Haillenarte. At the time, it was a proud 2-storey house, crafted of mahogany and stone, and situated amidst rolling fields of grain with myriad flocks of sheep, orchards of Mirror Apples and the great Coerthan River flowing at the base of the property. It was here that the house was stationed to reinforce the land and to provide vigilance of the nearby Dravanian Forelands. Julien de Kane quickly flourished in this new land and was quickly appointed as the House Haillenarte Western Warden after a number of months, to further enhance his ability to reinforce this landscape.Around this time, Julien was married to Sophia Frobisher. Sophia had her spent life in the Wineport region, and her family were well established as vintners; often travelling across the land to spread awareness of their vineyard and their wines. It was one such trip to the Western Highlands that first saw Julien and Sophia meet, during a festival honouring the 12. The Frobisher Vineyards had amassed generations of wealth, and thus upon joining her new husband and finding herself smitten with her new home, Sophia invested a tremendous amount of Gil into the local economy, helping the Shepherd's Guild to flourish, and expanding the farmland near what would become the Gorgagne Mills. With the sudden injection of wealth and the resulting volume of taxes paid, House Haillenarte commissioned the construction of defensive fortifications around the Kane Estate, to fend off any threats from above. Julien and Sophia were also granted the titles of Baron and Baroness for their dedication and servitude to Ishgard, and authorised to begin amassing their own House forces in defence of the land.552 - 1572: An Era of DevelopmentAs Baron and Baroness, Julien and Sophia began the ruling of their lands with much fervour. The presence of House Staff arriving, estate gardens beginning to flourish and exquisite mahogany furniture being added to the house helped ascertain and develop the status of the Kane family. Before long the house was expanded, opening up a gallery, large dining hall and numerous bedrooms for the family to grow. As expected, the couple sired four children; Amelia, Fanderloup, Demina and Helene who respectively went on to marry other nobles of Ishgard and beyond to continue the family name. Helene, so named to honour the goddess Halone, joined the Orthodox Church however and gave her life over to the 12 in defence of Ishgard. Family legend says that upon her death, Helene was turned into a Falcon by the goddess and flown to the Heaven of Ice to dwell with her ever-after. The family has since kept banners of falcons situated in all dwellings to honour the first of their family to fall in service to the great goddess. Thereafter, the family continued to grow and evolve over the many years leading up to the calamity borne of the Elder Primal Bahamut.A brief chronology of notable events:

  • In the 761 attack by Nidhogg, Ser Trophiant de Kane, heir apparent of House Kane, is slain whilst defending a maiden of House Haillenarte with whom he had fallen in love. This loss strengthens the relationship between Houses Kane and Haillenarte.

  • During the 968 trial of Ser Toriphaniel, Baron Kevyn de Kane is called upon to come and partake of the trial, whereby he proffers a 'guilty' vote which is quashed by the subsequent Trial by Combat.

  • In 1058 while the Azure Dragoon and her sorcerers fight the great dragon, knights of House Kane rescue citizens who are impacted and bring them into the protection of the House Kane bunkers that lie scattered around the property. These citizens went on to become loyal subjects of the house, and many of their descendants still work the House Kane farmlands to this day.

  • With the 1354 attack by the Dravanian General Darkscale upon the Eastern Highlands, refugees find their way to House Kane. They are met at the border however by the Baroness Clementine de Kane, who refuses them entry and sees them forcibly moved along to the city proper where they are deposited into the Brume.

  • Baroness Clementine de Kane is found murdered in 1364, prompting the ascension of her eldest son, Kyith.

  • In 1400, following a successful defence of Ishgard and of House Haillenarte, House Kane is granted independence of operation and wealth.

  • In 1441, Kyith de Kane formally adopts the title of Count.

  • With 1483 comes the Skysteel Manufactory unveiling ceremony. Count Kyith de Kane and his eldest son Henri de Kane are present after helping to finance this operation with House Haillenarte. Kyith takes a voyage to the heavens in a manufactured vessel, where he passes into the embrace of the 12.

  • In 1527 Elizana de Kane is born to Count Henri de Kane and Countess Valencia de Kane.

  • In 1552 Elianza de Kane and Endorra de Prituet are wed.

  • In 1553 Henri de Kane passes away, and Elianza assumes leadership.

  • In 1554, following many unsuccessful attempts, Celeste de Kane is born to Elianza and Endorra.

  • In late 1557 Ferndale is destroyed by Nidhogg and the citizens are swept up and rehomed to the vicinity of House Kane, expanding the holdings of the house to accommodate new individuals. Farmland is expanded, and land cleared to facilitate this and to offer more work opportunities.

  • 1560 Thordan VII ordained as Archbishop of the Orthodox Ishgardian Church.

  • In 1561 Yshgalar de Kane is born to Elianza and Endorra.

  • 1563 sees the formal withdrawal from the Eorzean alliance, with the reason that the 'garlean threat is no more', to focus on the Dragonsong War.

  • 1567 is disrupted when news arrives of the Dzemael Darkhold, and attacks by magicked gargoyles. This sees House Dzemael shamed in the eyes of the populace.

  • In 1568, Fabien de Kane is born to Elianza and Endorra.

  • In 1571, Endorra de Kane is murdered by heretics whilst out on a village inspection. Elianza falls into a deep depression.

Following the Calamity:Following the events of the Calamity, and the severe climate change that thrust Ishgard into a perpetual winter, Elianza withdrew the House’s support for the traditional Shepherd’s guild of eld at Falcon’s Nest, and began to stockpile Gil, whilst trading resources at high prices only. With his wife dead, and the world in disarray due to the Calamity, Elianza thrust the full weight of the house behind the Dragonsong War, with the intention of driving immense cultural change. With so much chaos and danger rife in the family lands, Elianza's heir-apparent Celeste manages to smuggle herself and her siblings out of the family home to safety.Seeking to help her sister advance her apparent skills in aetherology, Celeste called in an old favour with one of her tutors - Totomiso Sesemiso - and had Yshgalar taken in by Sharlayan scholars at Idyllshire, and later abroad in Old Sharlayan itself. Her younger brother she sent to the Twelveswood to an old connection at the Lancer's Guild that he might train in the fundamentals of Dragoonery. As for herself, Celeste found her way into Ishgard proper, traded her clothes in for common garb, and set off to Thanalan, to see what opportunities awaited her. Months slipped by and she heard nothing of Ishgard as she took on a job with the Halcyon Assembly, serving as their premier chef. For a time, the status quo remained, however as the end to the Dragonsong War approached, Celeste was pulled back into the fold of Ishgardian politics to direct the House as her father faltered in his duty and as he became more reckless and began to cause harm to those of the household.Returning to Ishgard, Celeste used her knowledge in red magic to help combat the horde of Nidhogg's spawn, and to defend the Kane estate. As the war came to an end, Celeste sent out word to her siblings that they might safely return when they were ready to do so.Following the events of the Dragonsong War, Celeste convinced her father to retire - with some pushing from the House of Lords - and took up leadership of the House. Immediately, she generated a large shift in how the house operated and behaved. The grounds were revitalised, efforts to facilitate trade in the Western Highlands were resumed, and with the liberation of Doma and Gyr Abania following closely behind, trade to these regions commenced to help revitalise these communities. For a period, the house maintained stability, with the world in a gentle balance, and politics charging ahead. Celeste began her work on the Brume and the Firmament in earnest, working with the Lords of House Haillenarte to fund the construction of the new housing district. In particular, Celeste plays a heavy hand in the promotion of, and debate around, policy that would see people in the Brume given opportunities to recover.As the threat of war begins to encroach on everyday life, Yshgalar and Fabien both return to the family home, much different than when they left. Yshgalar, despite her youth, has an aura of aether to her and a knowledge that belies her years, whilst Fabien bears the confidence and charm befitting a noble lord. Reunited at last, the siblings take the family to new heights as they prepare for the events that follow.Following the events of the Final Days, which saw the traditional Kane Estate in the Western Highlands demolished, Celeste purchased land in the new Empyreum quadrant, and moves the family into the fold of the city, thereafter claiming land near The Halberd’s Head in Empyreum (Ward 5, Plot 17), to better serve the people of Ishgard. Using some resources of the old home - including many flagstone tiles - the house was reconstructed and elevated to support a new dawn for the family. Celeste ordered the land to be levelled out and rejuvenated of aether, before homes and farms were constructed for servants of the house that they might live and work in the beauty of the Highlands.A Modern, Noble HouseFacing down a world of quiet peace, Celeste met the charming Nhao'ra Tayrin one fateful evening at the Forgotten Knight. Becoming firm friends quickly, Nhao'ra swore a pledge to the Countess and took up residence in the Kane Estate where he now leads the Knights of the Household, and helps command the household. With the future ahead of them, and murmurings across distant shores to the far west, the house optimistically looks to the future.

Motions, Politics & House Objectives

The new generation of House Kane has a more open vision for the world, and a greater desire to correct the wrongs of the Ishgardian Houses.

  • The House has a focus on supporting citizens of The Brume & financing projects put forward the House of Commons.

  • The House has an interest in trade, agriculture and resource acquisition so that they can be used in the city's ongoing redevelopment.

  • The House has a keen focus on financing businesses starting up in both the Firmament and Empyreum. Special focus is given to those that would provide housing, medical assistance, food or career opportunities to those displaced by the war.

  • The House has an alliance with House Norwynn, and works closely on projects with House Haillenarte.

  • The House is often interested in hosting galas and events.

  • The House welcomes people from all walks of life with the intent of opening up the citizenship pathways for non-Ishgardians, hoping to expedite the end of the city's centuries-long isolationism.

  • The House has begun employing bands of fighters under their Freeguild Initiative, with the desire to secure the Coerthan wastelands and venture abroad.

As a serving House of the House of Lords, House Kane has vested interest in the following motions:

  • The revitalization of agricultural land, as proposed by the Lord de Gaspard of House Gaspard.

  • The Brume reconstruction projects, with particular focus being given to uplifting immediately the conditions of shelter and snow-cover in the buildings occupying The Brume.

  • The equitable distribution of fresh produce and water across the entirety of Ishgard.

  • The complete financing of the Firmament medical clinic, with primary service to those of The Brume who cannot afford medical care otherwise.

  • The inter-city trade policy, to see the free facilitation of trade goods between city-states and Ishgard proper.

  • Motion 083 to see the Falcon’s Nest and far Western Highland construction prioritised to facilitate new job opportunities, with priority given to those who would benefit most from provision of Gil.

  • Motion 083a to see minor houses financed and finance appropriate accommodation for workers received under Motion 083.

The Freeguild

The Freeguild Initiative is the means by which House Kane incorporates Mercenary elements into its ranks. While ambitious and wealthy, House Kane has a notably small contingent of Knights when compared to both the High Houses and its own contemporaries. As such, the House has turned its gaze outwards to bolster their strength and see their plans to fruition.While not officially deemed so, members of the Freeguild are generally considered to be members of the House. They are given access to both amenities on Estate grounds and to equipment crafted by the House's exceptional Tradesmen, as well as a sizable sign-on and subsequently lavish payouts for loyalty to the House.Duties of those serving in the Freeguild are diverse in nature, as the job assigned dictates their role. Be it filling in as entourage for House Envoys traveling abroad, acting as infiltrators, or serving as a militant branch in campaigns, the House takes on contractors with a wide range of skillsets.Above all, it is to be noted that those who join the Freeguild are expected to offer the House fealty, but are not bound solely to House Kane. So long as there are no conflicts of interest or duties shirked, members of the Freeguild are welcome to sell their services to others.

Members of House Kane

(Carrds linked where applicable)

Celeste Kane | Countess of the House | Leader

Reigning matriarch of the family, and burdened by the gilded title of Countess, Celeste de Kane leads the family through the trials and tribulations of life. Celeste struck out at a young age in search of adventure, and left the city of Ishgard for a time in search of something more, finding work and adventure in the south of Thanalan. Now she is returned and ready to take up the mantle as Countess.

Nhao'ra Tayrin | Knight-Captain | Leader

A renowned traveler and swordsman extraordinaire, Nhao'ra Tayrin proudly serves as a pillar of the house, overseeing security and combat operations as well as managing the logistical nightmares that come with those. He acts as Celeste's second-in-command, leading the house to victory.

Reckless Wind | Professional Punchist | Freeguild

Close friend and personal bodyguard of Nhao'ra, Reckless Wind is a professional pugilist from the pits of Ul'dah that was taken in after an unexpected airship crash in the Western Highlands. Now she aids the House in their ventures outside of the City, acting as a mercenary.

Tannis Lyroque | Free Paladin | Knight Aspirant

Once upon a time, Tannis had been a mentor to Nhao'ra during the Veena's time as a Free Paladin. Now he's returned to aid his compatriot and serve under the House's banner for the good of the commonfolk.

Tristian Dorchaidhe | Ishgardian Inquisitor | House Member

Tristian Dorchaidhe is a devoted man marred by his controversial interest in the occult. While his service to the Holy See as an Inquisitor has proven invaluable, the path he finds himself on now has put him under scrutiny with some of his compatriots. Still, House Kane has welcomed his invaluable service with open arms.

Members of House Kane

(Carrds linked where applicable)

Cobaltaire Grace | Knight

Charming, whimsical and feline, Cobaltaire is one of the newest members of the House, hoping to prove his worth to the Knight-Captain. Finding his way to the house after his friend Liokki, he has quickly become a steadfast member of the House.

Bogarji Khan | Master Swordsman | Freeguild

Bogarji is a mysterious man that just... arrived, one day. While claiming vague familiarity with both Nhao'ra and Reckless, nobody can seem to confirm such a statement. Still, he seems interested in serving as a swordsman for the Freeguild, and the skills he has displayed thus far make him a much desired asset.

Evangeline Fox | Glamour Specialist | House Member

Mistakenly considered by many of the house staff to be the haunting spirit of the library, Evangeline is a quiet soul who brings an unrivalled talent in MagiCrafting. As a resident specialist in the magic of prisms, and a skilled archer to boot, Evangeline has quickly cemented her spot as one of House Kane's most critical members.

Liokki Calvinaz | Knight-Aspirant | House Member

Down on his luck, and looking for a new venture in life, Liokki stumbled upon House Kane whilst errantly wandering through Ishgard one day. With little to his name, but ample skills to rely upon, he met with the Countess and was instantly offered a position as a member of the House Guard.

Roleplay & Events

As we are currently in the midst of getting the FC off the ground, our public event schedule is mostly clear for the time being. Though we will be looking into hosting a Starlight celebration ball in the coming months.We are also actively working on a larger company narrative, and will be running a variety of smaller events between larger story beats. We also love to work with FC members who are interested in hosting their own events, so if that ever interests you please communicate it with an officer!

Social Events

We also love to do social events as a group, and to spend time together. Here's a snapshot of some of the events we've done together!

The Silent Vigil

Thursday, 19 January 2023

Winter in perpetutiy continues to prove itself a most formidable foe in the Western Highlands of Coerthas. Although Ishgard, and her surrounding lands feel the brunt of winter akin, the open valleys of the Western Highlands know fully the power of The Fury.At the behest of the House of Lords, in an attempt to explore ways to reclaim the Western Highlands, and promote redevelopment, House Kane accepted an exploratory journey into the heart of the Dusk Vigil, to ascertain its suitability as a stage for the reoccupation. House Leader, Countess Celeste de Kane and her loyal retainer Nhao'ra Tayrin accepted the task and set out from the Kane Estate in Empyreum to seek answers.Their journey was inhibited by blinding blizzards, which saw them take refuge at both Falcon's Nest and the Gorgagne Mills before the finally arrived and were granted admission by Temple Knights on guard.Delving into the frozen, palatial tomb they found it in varying states of disrepair, with some salvageable areas that may prove vital in the reclamation efforts of Coerthas. Approaching the Chapel on the far northern side, they were attacked by an aged Griffin, which had been roosting in the broken tower. Together they managed to stave off the foe with minimal incident.Celeste will be submitting a report of advisory for all members of the House of Lords to review, ahead of a decision being made.

A Saintly Awakening

Sunday, 29 October 2023

With frights and terror abounding through the land, the residents of House Kane assembled in the family home to celebrate their first spooky holiday season together! With so many new members, the Countess and Knight-Captain opted to host a costume party at the house, where everyone was encouraged to dress up, show up and have drinks and food to celebrate.Much merriment was had, and everyone got to interact and get to know each other! The time flew past and with Donathan on the bar, the drinks were flowing also. With the event rounded out, the house retired for the evening, well prepared for what lies around the corner upon the morning.